Renovate My Mind, Heart, and Spirit

Check out the latest book project from The Perfect Home Guy, Tommy Hines

“The Wizard Doesn’t Know”
Finding your path to unconditional Love, Truth, and Freedom


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Finding your path to Unconditional Love, Truth, and Freedom.

A philosophy and allegory of our present time by Tommy Hines ,Perfect Home Guy

For decades the timeless classic screenplay of the 1939 “The Wizard of Oz” has internationally entertained and educated.

Many songwriters have been inspired to include references in their lyrics or write about “Home” as it relates to Love. As the movie is watched over and over, there is more meaning and understanding of our own “knowledge of Good and evil” walk through this Earthly life in our temporary physical body.

Perfect Home Guy started a mission to educate homeowners and homebuyers to get connected to the top 5% of national full-service lending and realty professionals and make every home a Perfect (complete) Home where Love lives. Now Perfect Home Guy has evolved over 40 years to leading others to Renovate their mind, heart, and spirit by testing the wizards we seek for answers, against historic written history to learn… who knows best.

If a soul is dominated more with Heart thinking than Critical right brain thinking, how are they different.
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We all have the same right and left brains. Are those dominated with left brain activity needing someone with the oil can to keep them lubricated and moving forward when the storms of life rusted them to inaction or depression?  These souls do need a 2nd person in their life to get them back to normal again… a friend, counselor, or scripture?  Rust weakens a joint, just as FEAR weakens a Spirit from continuing forward in Life.  Is weakness a characteristic of those dominant in feelings guiding their thinking?  “Register emotion… jealousy… devotion and really feel the part…”.  While all “Feelings” are a normal part of life existence, do all feelings convey Truth or lead to invalid assumption?
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The” critical thinker” knows both the left and right has purpose and value and one should NEVER be dismissive of the other.  In decision making there are always three activities approached in different order depending on the personality… think, feel, and act.  Which leads to best outcomes…
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As left and right brain is inseparable and valuable to each other, so is conservative and liberal opinion.  Both left and right have been taught to believe “crap that’s not true”.  Its Dorothy’s and our journey to be discerning, reflective and have the innocent attitude of a child in the process.  It’s the far extremes of the left and right where the temporary fools are found, who chose to stop learning and growing.

Proceeds from all books sales benefit Perfect Love Homes, a non-profit organization building Perfect Love Home Orphanages to love and grow the abandoned or unloved children of all ages birth to under 21.